Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Japanese Police

I'm annoyed.

About a week ago I bought a bike to ride to the train station from the apartment, and yesterday it was kidnapped and is now being held for ransom. The evil doers drove up in a truck, chucked my bike on the back, and drove off. So, how could I possibly know this? Well, a ransom note was delivered to my mailbox and I got it translated by one of the girls at work. Who could possibly be so evil, so wrong, so...unfair?

The Japanese Police...

In Japan there are designated bike parking zones around train stations and if you dont use them (ie, if you try to be different...god help you if you try to be different!), you are punished by having your bike kidnapped and held for ransom for 3000 yen (about 30 bucks). Now, I parked my bike in a back alley NEAR the train station were no one was walking and were the bike was well out of the way. Doesn't matter apparently. You MUST park in the zone! Ugh.

Japan has alot of rules...

Anyways, tomorrow Im going on a trip to the mountains to visit some friends of my housemate James. Might even do some skiing at the Olympic Site!

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