Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Elvis Dancers

Sunday's around Harajuku Station arn't like Sundays back home. The people really come out to...play? I donnu. You can nearly always see people doing strange things around there. I made a short viddy of the Elvis Dancers. A group of people who dress up in the Rockabilly style, crack open a few beers, put on badly recorded music, and dance in a style that closely resembles Elaine's famous dance from Seinfeld.

I shot some more photos of the Harajuku Girls, and I think they're my best photos so far.
Click Here

After spending a couple of hours taking photos I was on my way to the train station when I was randomly approached by an old homeless man. He spoke good English and explained he was a writer and a poet. His name was Hideo. He was selling books of Haiku's, so I bought one for 500 Yen. We talked for a long time about life and Japan. "Don't trust Japanese people!" He said, "...they're robots!"

My favourite Haiku of his is:

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