Sunday, February 11, 2007

Harajuku Parade

Went to Harajuku again as part of my Sunday routine, and was greeted with a big surprise. The temple in Yoyogi Park (right next to Harajuku) was having a religious parade of some kind. Hundreds of people dressed in traditional outfits and carrying what I think were offerings to the gods were walking through just as I arrived. I snapped some photos. I also went back to Tokyo Station and snapped some more photos of the International Forum. Have a look!


Melinda said...

Sounds like Harajuku is your favorite hangout these days. Was wondering if you've found any cool bars in that area.

Kampai (you bastard)!

mcdoug said...

Heh, actually Ive only been in Harajuku during the day, and have yet to do some bar searching. Im sure there are some really cool places to drink down there though.

....and no, i DONT want to go to The Hub!

I think Ill have a search for a good one next time Im down there.

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