Saturday, February 24, 2007

Food of Japanland

Eating food in Japan is different from what you'd expect. Before I got here I was pumped about the prospect of eating mountains of fresh sushi and incredible tempura. Japan definitely delivers...if you're rich. Im not rich. However, you CAN get some good stuff for cheap. You can go into any convenience store and get these things I like to call rice triangles. Its a triangle of rice wrapped in seaweed with a surprise inside. The main problem I have with rice triangles is that I can't read the part of the package that tells you what's inside. All I know is that the blue package triangles seem to be tuna surprise. You can accadentially eat some pretty gross rice triangles if you don't know Japanese. Once got a fish egg surprise. Another time I ate one with a completely vile meat filling surprise I couldnt identify.

Here is a photo of my lunch from the other day, picked up from the Family Mart convenience store :

From the left: Chopsticks, weird pastry thing with cream inside, fried chicken and rice, and weird milk coffee drink. In total, this lunch cost about $5. Not bad!

One time in a resturant I ordered wasabi octopus; raw octopus suckers with wasabi sauce. It was gross because the texture was kinda like eating eyeballs. Another time I ordered Korean pancake, which are little wedges of dough stuff filled with seafood, it was delicious. Surprisingly, one of the tastiest things Ive eaten here were balls of dough filled with a chunk of octopus and covered in wasabi mayonaise. Ordering random food here can go either way, and you can be SURE you'll always be eating something interesting.

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