Thursday, February 15, 2007

Amazing Facts about Japan

Here are some interesting things Ive learned about Japan so far:

-There is a holiday in Japan were people throw beans at eachother
-Japanese people only know the following about Canada: We have Naigara Falls, we make maple syrup, and Bancouver is a nice place to visit
-Japanese people tend to believe that all foreign countries, especally America, are dangerous places to visit.
-Some Japanese people believe that all Germans are rich
-In Japan, its extremely impolite to walk and eat food at the same time
-Richard Gere is respected and loved by all and every woman over 30 finds him deadly attractive
-For $50 an hour you can have a woman in a maid costume serve you tea and massage your fingers
-Tokyo has so many people, that in the summer a giant heat bubble forms over the city that increases the average temperature by 10 degrees
-In Japan, it costs about $2000 to buy a cat from a pet shop
-One of Japan's most popular celebrities is called Hard Gay, and one of its most popular drinks is called Pocari Sweat


Melinda said...

But Bancouver is a lovely place to visit. And who says you have to be *over* 30 to lurve Richard Gere?

mcdoug said...

Maybe you don't have to be over 30, but it still creeps me out to see large billboards of him with glazed eyes, staring off into space, somehow promoting a product Ill never understand...

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that your life experiences get more and more messed up every time you update your blog? And by the way, didn't know that all Germans are rich? I thought everyone knew that... Gosh....

Anonymous said...

wow... i had a project thing to do and i needed something like this.

Anonymous said...

i had a project too! this was perfect. :)

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