Sunday, January 21, 2007

Harajuku Part 2

I went by the financial district in Shinjuku, and took the elevator to the top of city hall. The view was crazy, although it was pretty hazy. On a clear day you could probably see all of just seems to go on forever in a mass of dense urban sprawl.

Went back to Harajuku today as well and feasted my eyes on the insanity. Took some wonderful pics that Im really happy with. Its such a good spot to practice photography since everyone wants their picture taken! I needed to do some shopping, so after photo time I popped down Harajuku street and checked out the shops. There were a billion people there today since, for some reason, every store was having a sale. I wandered into a department store. Utter chaos. Wall to wall people in a shopping feeding frenzy. Every few feet was a girl standing on a chair with a megaphone yelling out god knows what in Japanese. Tons of noise. It was so hectic in there it could have been a movie, definitely a comedy.

On the way back home the train suddenly stopped at Shibuya station and after a series of announcements in Japanese everyone got off the train. Me thinks there was a jumper on the train line ahead...

More pics below:


Anonymous said...

the culture may be repressed, but the fashion is not.
are the pics you have posted a good representation of the general population? or just a freakshow?

mcdoug said...

Well, the Harajuku girls mostly have the freakshow mentality, and so most people dress fairly normally here (and extremely well, much better on average than europe). Sometimes, especally around Shibuya or on the train you see people dressed up like this. I was talking to some Japanese friends yesterday about the Harajuku girls and apparently they are very shy and nerdy normally...weird.

true dough said...

Heya Doug (or you prefer Will now?),
cool pics of the Harajuku girls here and on your flickr page. But...where are all the guys? Do they tend to dress up less, or do you (being a guy yourself) just find the ladies more interesting to look at? :)

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