Monday, January 22, 2007

?estlove in Shibuya

So a few days ago I saw ?estlove from The Roots while I was in Shibuya. The Roots are a pretty cool band, and ?uestlove is the drummer with the afro. We (some random english teacher friends) were walking around Shibuya going from one tiny bar to the next when ?estlove walked by. At first I didnt recognize him but took a look at him since he was black and had an afro (an extremely rare sight here). Then it hit me! He was walking with some of his friends and as we said hi he turned around and started filming us with a tiny video camera. Who knows, maybe we'll be on some concert video some day.

Oh yeah, and yesterday in Harajuku I thought I saw Lucy Liu, but as Christine pointed out, "everyone over there looks like Lucy Liu."


Anonymous said...

Isn't it Lucy Liu?

mcdoug said...

tis, but at least I spelled ?uestlove right...I love writing that.

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