Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I LOVE finding cheap electronic bits in Tokyo. Its so fun to cruise around the used camera shops looking for cheap gear to play around with. Awhile back I went into a camera shop in Ginza and found a bin of "broken" camera parts. In the bin I found an old, but quite good quality 8mm film camera. I held it up and took a look, and then the store owner said "no work!" to me. "Ahhhh, can I try it anyways?" I said.

I played around with it for about 5 minutes and it magically started working. The store clerk was surprised, and annoyed. The camera was listed for only 2000 yen (about 20 bucks), its worth about 10 times that if it works. He grudgingly sold me the camera for only 2000 yen. Now, an 8mm camera isnt practical at all, but with the right kind of film it can produce some really cool old looking images. Plus, all my favourite film directors ever got their start making movies on 8mm. I decided I'd take the camera with me to Russia this summer...wait...Russia? More on that later...


Mike Rooke said...

Awsome grab. You can really say you're "filming". More importantly, however, is that thing in the background. What is that, a couch?

mcdoug said...

The stuff in the background? Thats some Anime Cells, I picked up at the anime convention for super cheap! We decorated our apartment with real anime....mmmm....nerdy....

Unknown said...

jesus! I'd say! hahah

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