Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Robot Phone

After 3, count em, THREE tries, I finally got my phone. I went with Do Co Mo, cause it allowed me to get a phone which loosely resembles a Gundam robot. I therefore dub my phone Robot Phone. On the front of the phone is a button which says "assist" and when I press it the phone transformerizes into a giant, laser gun touting, flying robot whos sole purpose is to protect me. The phone also comes with some nifty ringtones.

Having a futuristic phone allows me to be at least half Japanese. I can finally sit on the train and text message, walk to work and text message, eat food and text message, drive a car and text message, etc, just like real Japanese people. This phone is seriously rad though; 4Megapixel camera, two screens, high speed internet access, and its robot like design adds to the all important otaku factor.

Now, there must be a way to update this here blog from the robot phone...maybe if I press the assist button.....

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