Friday, January 19, 2007

24hours in Shinjuku

After having missed my last train out to our apartment, Im stuck here in Shinjuku with my housemate james. We managed to find a 24 hour internet cafe were you pay about 10 bucks and you can sleep/use the internet for the night in a tiny box complete with the following

Playstation 2
tiny safe
remote control
free drink

Im on the 6th floor of one of about a billion narrow 10 floor buildings in tokyo. Shinjuku, the most exciting district in the most exciting city in the world, closes early. The trains stop running in japan at 12 in order to keep the workers nice and sober for the work day.

Today I saw a massive upside down pyramid building, rode on a computer controlled train, ate french fries with chopsticks, and visited the metal orb on the 24th floor.

Nova training is done. It was annoying but the worst is behind me and my job begins tomorrow. Tokyo is incredible but its no halifax. There is not a single tree in this city outside of the parks.

So far, I simply havnt had any time to write in a blog. Things have been completely busy. So many new experiences and strange things to write about, but so little time to process the information in my head. This place is so weird, so different, so unlike what I expected...

Photos and more things to come.

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